There are moments in time when things seem to come together in a special way. The visit from Randy Daniels with Buckner International was one of those moments for me. After three years of working and “following the light” through opportunities presented to us, it is great to see a photo with Randy and the Buckner staff in Peru standing with the kids we work with. He appears happy to share this brief time when the kids wanted to greet him. With this simple gesture a connection is made.
Not only a connection is made, I believe there are many opportunities to obtain a closer partnership with Buckner International. And the children are our best concern when working with people of lower economic means. The children are inspired to continue working and to give all our efforts to see their smiles. To see Randy Daniels with his companions from Buckner Peru was a great incentive for me.
I agree. My original lunch with a Buckner leader here in the Dallas area three years ago has grown beyond what I ever expected. At the time, I simply hoped to be able to secure new shoes for the kids at the same time we had our first Christmas Store in 2006. Through Jeff Jones, I learned that Buckner had a regularly scheduled mission trip at the same time and they would be able to send several team members to put shoes on the feet of the kids. LOU
You’re right. Our relationship with Buckner has grown since 2006. I didn’t think of having a close access to Buckner Peru, meaning Claudia, Silvia, Guliana, Erick y now Patricia and Magda, and it makes me think we are on a good path. The support of Buckner International for our cause gives to us credibility. And I only think this has been possible through the mercy of God. I can’t think of any other reason. Each person has done their part and it is incredible how things have gone. My heart is content to see all this. JANIS
I was so excited to hear about their desire to visit us. I knew I needed to come help prepare the house. But it was a hard decision for me…I could come to paint the house or be there for the visit. In the end, it has worked out so well. I was able to see the beginning as the house was transformed by the painting we did together for three days. But what a wonderful surprise to see all these fotos…and all the additional work you did…some days all alone to paint the entire house! It looks so different…beyond all my expectations! LOU
We did a good job painting the house. This house will be our office in the future and should be presentable to others. Now the house looks different and has a friendly atmosphere. JANIS
Yes, you’re right. And I do want the kids to have a refuge … a safe place to come where they can receive help in their studies. Everywhere kids all over the word need a haven to be themselves and find their own worth as individuals. There are many ways to communicate this….pleasant surroundings, caring teachers, fun activities, the necessary supplies to do their work. LOU
I believe that the house needs some additional changes such as the construction of the bathroom and kitchen and an office where we can work better with the teachers. There is still work to do but the children already feel comfortable in this place. JANIS
Yes, I agree that the recent changes have resulted in a much more pleasant location. I have been very pleased that VRBC has been able to provide the funds to renovate the bathroom and the kitchen. LOU
I am appreciative for that help. Many people have given their money and time to help the children from El Buen Pastor. And God sees their hearts and availability to help in missions. The help from Common Hope means help for children with few resources for self-development. I believe there is much to do here but we are doing our part in God’s work.JANIS
We all have a part in our efforts to help poor children. If we all do what we can individually, together we can make some visible changes. Do you remember 3-4 years ago? Think of all the people who have worked there in various capacities to teach and care for the children. Think of the people here who have donated clothes, provided school supplies, donated money, etc. Each part contributed has made a big difference. Even people who have never seen the children in San Genaro…all have an important part.
Yes, many people in the United State that have donated clothes or school supplies have not seen these children. Without knowing them they have donated. And this makes their contribution much greater. Because through faith they have done this hoping that these donations provide many necessities. Today those of us who work in San Genaro feel the support of all of you who receive nothing in return for your generous donations.
I have learned a lot in the past three years. I think people want to be connected to something bigger than themselves. The idea of serving a mission with an opportunity to make a difference is attractive.
But many times I think we are uncertain about how to contribute and think that we don’t have anything of significance to contribute. As we have seen that isn’t true. Everyone can do something even if it is small. What would happen if one of us decided NOT to do our part?
Well, it is a difficult question. Because since 1995 I have been helping in San Genaro. But if this was the case of not doing our part I believe that many people would not have hope would not have faith. Many teenagers would have problems or would not have counseling or would not have someone in whom to confide. It would be a different world for them.
Yes, it certainly would be different. While we are first responsible to care for our own families, it is clear that we have a responsibility to the poor. When we fail to take our responsibility to provide hope to the poor I believe that certain things go undone. What if the person who donated the nice winter coat had left it in their closet? Clearly, a poor child would have been cold. What if homework help was not offered to assist the children in San Genaro? Obviously they would consistently not do well in school perhaps quitting school altogether? Is it so difficult to put extra pens and pencils to give to a poor child? Is it difficult to collect clothing no longer needed and provide it to those who have none? It is possible to make an important impact without a lot of effort.
And this is our job to motivate others to feel in their hearts a love for those with few necessities. If it was not our job, I believe we would live without any direction. We shouldn’t worry only about ourselves we must be able to see more than what we need. JANIS
It is easy to lament the condition of the poor. But I am coming to understand that the conditions continue because we fail to do our part to change the world around us.