Hey, Lou, the silent auction at Valley Ranch Baptist Church went very well recently! I worked in the area where we had some of the donations from El Buen Pastor members. One person purchased a small wallet and returned later to tell me how much she like it. And then she gave me all the money in her purse because she had not paid enough for it. I thought that was a very special moment. But, in all, it is always good to see how many people are committed to giving to the project that helps poor children and their families here in the US as well as in Peru.

This is a good story to tell me. It is surprising how engaged people are in this project to be able to give a present the poor children here. Knowing the story of this woman makes me realize that the love of God for children is very large.
Yes, I have discovered, I think, a motivation for people here. Everyone likes being connected to a project bigger than themselves. It brings people pleasure to know that their contribution, however big or small, can actually reach a child locally or in another part of the world. Some individuals are not able to go on a mission trip but through the Christmas Store they see they can have an impact. And, I think many of us have warm memories of our own Christmas as children, and it is painful to think that poor children are denied this experience.
I am happy thinking that all of you can have a heart that is available to give. Remember Christmas is Jesus and He loved us so much that He came for us and He was the first that gave a gift so large that He gave His own life. I believe that the children here can have a “double” gift: Jesus in their hearts and also a Christmas present.

You’re so right. What we do is not about the gift but what it represents. And, as you know, it also creates a relationship with families so we can learn more about their lives and offer additional social assistance to them. I was glad to hear that you and Buckner have been working together to coordinate the assistance we will be able to provide with the social worker. Tell me more about what’s going on there.

The Christmas Store wil be December 5th and the day following we will with Buckner and a group of volunteers who give some their time to make the children happy. Also we will be able to share the small gifts donated by Cornerstone for the parents. And, clearly you will be here also accompanying us.
It is always a special time for me, too! Like you, I look forward to spending time with the children and the volunteers from Buckner the following day who also bring a present and spend time making a craft.
Well, we are able to coordiante with Buckner Peru so that a social wCorker can work with us primarily providing securing information about the families that participate with us through the Christmas Store and from there with the rest of the people. The information we obtain will be necessary to have an idea of the problems that the families have here in San Genaro.
That’s wonderful news. It is rewarding to know that there are other resources to support the many needs we’ve seen in the families. And, a social worker who knows and understands the social system in Peru is an added convenience. Not only have we encountered parents who want to learn better skills as parents with their children, we are beginning to see there are common problems among the married couples. I am glad we can extend some additional services to them and hopefully strengthen the families.
Also Buckner has been able to connect us with the Ministry of Education (ana rea of the Peruvian government) so that we can develop the program “Promolibro” which means that the Ministry of Education bring to the house (the center where we work in San Genaro) books so that the children or neighbors can read them. The space in the house where the books will be will transform into a small library whose name is “Sembrando”.
I am so grateful for the support and resources through Buckner. You have developed a great relationship with Claudia Leon, the leader of Buckner Peru, and I look forward to a long relationship with them. The program itself is such a great beginning to encourage reading in the families. Among the poor I am sure it is difficult to emphasize reading much less buy books for their homes. These books can open doors for them. By the way, didn’t you tell me that there will be an effort to provide literacy training for the parents? How does that work?

Wel, I also heard this from Buckner Peru and I hope they can implement it. For now we are thinking more about the library.
Okay. We can look forward to more information. I hope that we’ll be able to see reading as an activity that the families grow to enjoy. As you know, reading skills impact a student’s ability to be successful in school and in future careers.
Clearly reading is important for the development of the person. This is very important. And with the help of VRBC we are able to share the toys in the Christmas Store 2009. It is exciting to think that it is already the 4th event where we can see the happy faces of parents and children who will receive a present. We began purchasing gifts on the 8th of October and are now in the middle of making our purchases.
Yes, time has passed very quickly! God’s plans were so much bigger than I ever imagined! Now that the Peruvian store is fully integrated with the efforts here in the United States, I think VRBC members will have a chance to see the ways in which God has been working in the lives of these children.
In the coming months and years, I think more of the church members will be motivated to come to Peru and assist in areas where they have particular interests and skills. Already I have been talking to people who enjoy gardening or work in the medical field. And, with our sports camp in March being advertised in the congregation we have another opportunity to allow youth and adults who enjoy sports to work with the children.
It is incredible! God has permited us to be able to do this. Already we have completed 4 years working together and like you say there will be more members from VRBC coming with different groups to work here.
Well, as you know, I will be arriving there soon with some of the last items we will need for the Christmas Store in Peru. There have been several groups on mission trips in the past few months which have brought almost all the Bibles we need. I have the final 30 already packed. Cornerstone Baptist Church here that benefits from the local store has donated some items that we can use to give small gifts to the mothers or parents of each child. The University of Dallas has donated some leftover supplies from a recent event here for our employees. And, I will be able to bring part of the computers we’ve been given as well as the equipment that will enable us to talk by phone between the US and Peru without cost. As usual, God has blessed His work in Peru in more ways imaginable.