As we approach our 5th year of the Christmas Store in Peru, I have realized that some of the kids we have served are now out of high school. Some of them now are helping teach classes at El Buen Pastor on Sundays. Or some of these young people have younger siblings who still participate each December in either the Christmas Store or attend the shoe distribution with Buckner International. What I really like is to see the older youth are volunteering to serve in a number of ways in the community.
You mentioned Alex as one of the new teachers in El Buen Pastor. Tell me more about him.
Alex is 26 years old. I have known him for years, he atended Sunday School at El Buen Pastor since he was a child and teenager. He participated in various parts in Christmas pagent. But then he had a time when he stopped coming to the church but this past year he has been reconciled with God. Now he attends the youth meeting at Peniel (my church where I belong). But he would attend the Sunday School class that Rocio teaches. Rocio sees him as someone who she could trust with a class and now Alex is a teacher in El Buen Pastor for youth ages 12 to 14. Alex has helped buy the toys for the Christmas Store in past years.

That’s great to know Alex has matured and made decisión to the benefit of himself and others. And, as he learned in years past by attending Rocio’s class, he is now in a position to serve others. He can be an example to other younger children who can benefit from what he has learned. There are always times in our lives when we have to stop and determine how we will live our faith and our lives. When a person can make this decisión for themselves then they live more authentically.
I see both Judith and Sandra whenever I visit Peru. Tell me how they are doing in their lives? Both are currently teachers in El Buen Pastor now aren’t they?
Judith is 17 years old. She has studied to be a teacher in pre-school. I have seen Judith since she was a little girl. Today she participates as a Sunday School teacher and is an integral part of the theater group (Salt of the Earth). Judith has participated en four past Christmas Stores as a recipient. This year she will volunteer.
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