viernes, 22 de octubre de 2010


As we approach our 5th year of the Christmas Store in Peru, I have realized that some of the kids we have served are now out of high school. Some of them now are helping teach classes at El Buen Pastor on Sundays. Or some of these young people have younger siblings who still participate each December in either the Christmas Store or attend the shoe distribution with Buckner International. What I really like is to see the older youth are volunteering to serve in a number of ways in the community.


Yes, it is very important for me and for Rocio Conde, the director of the Sunday School, to see youth beginning to teach in Sunday School. For example, we have Alex, Sandra and Judith besides Yoselin.

I think that is wonderful. The truth is that we need to be training the future generation of teachers and tutors will be able to carry forward the work that has been done so faithfully by you, Rocio and the other individuals working with the kids in San Genaro. Tell me something about each of them. Yoselin just began teaching as a tutor with us. What is her story?

Yoselin Rivera is a young person who is 18 years old. I have known her since she was a little girl. Her grandmother took her to Sunday School and she has grown up in the church. Her heart is very receptive. But her parents are not very receptive to the things of God. For years they have had different illnesses and because of this have not had regular jobs. Yoselin es their oldest daughter, and she finished high school last year and is studying computers. She participated in the Christmas Store from its beginning and this is her last year to benefit from it.
I enjoy so much learning the indvidual stories of the children and youth. How is Yoselin doing in her work as tutor for Common Hope? She works with the younger children three days a week, right?

Yes, she works three days each week and like all beginnigns she has done it slowly but little by little she will have the ability to do it better. Her job is with younger children and she has the patience to teach them.
You mentioned Alex as one of the new teachers in El Buen Pastor. Tell me more about him.

Alex is 26 years old. I have known him for years, he atended Sunday School at El Buen Pastor since he was a child and teenager. He participated in various parts in Christmas pagent. But then he had a time when he stopped coming to the church but this past year he has been reconciled with God. Now he attends the youth meeting at Peniel (my church where I belong). But he would attend the Sunday School class that Rocio teaches. Rocio sees him as someone who she could trust with a class and now Alex is a teacher in El Buen Pastor for youth ages 12 to 14. Alex has helped buy the toys for the Christmas Store in past years.
That’s great to know Alex has matured and made decisión to the benefit of himself and others. And, as he learned in years past by attending Rocio’s class, he is now in a position to serve others. He can be an example to other younger children who can benefit from what he has learned. There are always times in our lives when we have to stop and determine how we will live our faith and our lives. When a person can make this decisión for themselves then they live more authentically.

Yes, Alex is living his life more authentically and this benefits us. Now because of his work he can’t help buy gifts for the Christmas Store with the other teachers but his help as a teacher is a great benefit.


I see both Judith and Sandra whenever I visit Peru. Tell me how they are doing in their lives? Both are currently teachers in El Buen Pastor now aren’t they?

Sandra is the same as Alex. She atended Sunday School since she was 11 years old. Now she is 26 years old. She always participated in choreographies and always was available to help. At one time she turned away from God and had a baby. She has returned to the ways of God and takes BIble clases so she can learn more and wants to work for God. Sandra never received a toy through the Christmas Store but last year she volunteered. This year she is already a teacher and will have an important job.

Judith is 17 years old. She has studied to be a teacher in pre-school. I have seen Judith since she was a little girl. Today she participates as a Sunday School teacher and is an integral part of the theater group (Salt of the Earth). Judith has participated en four past Christmas Stores as a recipient. This year she will volunteer.

It is good to hear the personal stories. And it is gratifying to know that those who have been participants in the Christmas Store are now learning ways to give back to their own community. They will become the examples for the younger children and a future generation of teachers for the children in Sunday School. And, this is how things should go as time passes. Each of us has a part to play in the lives of these children. And, when our own time ends there will be others, many others, who can continue the work begun through us.
Yes, you’re right. There are the examples of Yoselin, Alex, Sandra and Judith. We are seeing a future for new teachers and it will be good for our work. God has been good to give us local people to help in our ministry.
You’re right. It is God who calls who He wants to serve. It is up to us individually to respond to His call. I am convinced there is something He wants all of us to do in some capacity in the world. Whether in Peru or Africa or Asia…or the United States there is great need and opportunity before us. It will always be a mystery as to why God has chosen to do His work through humans. Certainly part of the reason is because we can act as examples to demonstrate His love for everyone but also because He is able to work in our lives more effectively.
Yes we are called to serve Him with everything we do. We must give to Him all of our effort our call to serve Him at this time in San Genaro.

I am looking forward to my visit at the end of the month. It won’t be long until the 5th Christmas Store in Peru occurs and there is much activity already beginning in preparation.

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